About NPO Monkey Magic


NPO Monkey Magic is supported by your donations. We are keen to engage in various activities to fulfill our mission - Shaping the universal world where diversity is accepted, and create a matured and affluent society through paraclimbing.
In order to ensure that this acute and unprecedented NPO mission develops steadily, we need all the financial help we can get from organizations and individuals. We deeply appreciate your kind support.

Koichiro Kobayashi - Founder and Representative of NPO Monkey Magic

Uses of Funds and Donations

Funds and donations will be appropriated to the following businesses and activities managed by Monkey Magic.

Provisioning a better accessibility for the disabled.

  • Funds for disability discounts
  • Goods and devices for better safety
  • Supplying transportation to event locations

Dissemination and education activities.

  • Awareness promotions
  • Climbing sessions for rehabilitation facilities, schools and other institutions for the disabled
  • Climbing sessions for organizations and other parties
  • Establishing permanent facilities for climbing sessions

Deployment of nationwide activities

  • Securing instructors and volunteers
  • Promoting communication interactions, and public relations activities

Employment and education of volunteer staffs

  • Trainings and seminars

Sustainability and management of the organization

  • Business expenses and management fees

Donation Form

Please fill out the form and proceed to the confirmation page.

Full Name *
Postal Code *     Ex. 100-0001
Address * Prefecture:

Phone *     Ex. 03-1234-5678
Email *
Email * (Confirm)
My Donation is * ¥  
Method of Payment *
age (optional)
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